What is a non-surgical facelift?


What is a non-surgical facelift?

A nonsurgical facelift rejuvenates the face using nonsurgical and minimally-invasive techniques, such as injectables like dermal fillers and Botox. Also considered are energy-based soft tissue tightening procedures that use lasers, radio frequency, or ultrasound.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 15,700,000 minimally invasive procedures were performed in the United States in 2017 alone. Since 1997, the use of injectables in cosmetic surgery has grown by 6,448%. Connoting that demand for nonsurgical and minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries is on the rise.

The results of this procedure are less dramatic than a surgical facelift. However, many benefits make this a good option for many people.

Some nonsurgical facelift techniques

Several nonsurgical procedures and techniques are available on their own or in combination. A cosmetic surgeon regularly tailors treatment to suit one’s needs. Options for a nonsurgical facelift include:

1. Dermal fillers:

Smooth-gel injectables can create definition, smooth tissues (to minimize the look of wrinkles), and restore volume along the cheeks, temples, lips, and under the eyes.

It can be made from several products, commonly hyaluronic acid (such as Juvederm, Belotero, and Restylane). Fillers such as Sculptra, Bellafill, or Radiesse can stimulate collagen production, minimize wrinkles, and boost facial contours. It can last from six months to over a year.

2. Botox:

Full name – onabotulinumtoxinA. It is effective for wrinkle reduction. And for smoothening forehead creases, frown lines, crow’s feet, and other wrinkles. It works by temporarily relaxing the targeted muscle. Results are seen in one to two weeks and last about three months.

3. Fat injections:

It is a semi-invasive procedure. Fatty tissue is extracted through liposuction on an area of the body. Fat cells are cleaned, processed, and reinjected into the face. It is used to enhance facial volume. It gives longer-lasting results.

4. Thread lift:

Absorbable, barbed sutures are implanted into the subcutaneous fat under the skin and tugged into place to lift tissues and stimulate collagen production. It is used to tighten and firm skin.

5. Ultherapy:

It uses micro-focused ultrasound heat energy to lift and tighten loose skin over time and encourage collagen production. And is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for lifting the skin on the neck, brow, and chin. It improves lines and wrinkles on the cleavage. The procedure takes about 30 to 90 minutes. Results appear over two to three months and last up to a year (sometimes longer).

6. Silhouette lift:

It is used to lift and redefine face shape. Medical-grade, dissolvable threads made of polyglycolic acid and polylactic acid are placed under the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Results last up to 18 months (sometimes longer).

7. Radio-Frequency treatments:

Radio-frequency energy heats the skin to trigger collagen production. It smooths and tightens skin on the face, neck, hands, and body. Brand names include Profound RF, Exilis, Morpheus8, and Thermage. Results appear gradually in the months following treatment.

Nonsurgical facelifts have rarer risks and a shorter recovery time than surgical facelifts, but they also have less dramatic results and don’t last as long. Make sure to look for an experienced, board-certified cosmetic surgeon to perform your procedure.


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