Specialist Procedures
AwayDoc Concierge can connect you to the best facilities abroad that perform various specialist procedures,
cosmetic procedures, non-emergent procedures, and treatments.
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Below are some of the procedures that we can match you to a care facility for:
Cardiothoracic surgery is a subspecialty of surgery that deals with the chest (thorax) and the heart (cardiac). To a certain extent, it also includes the esophagus. In some countries, cardiac and thoracic surgeries are treated separately. In others, not so much.
A cardiothoracic surgeon (or cardiac surgeon, thoracic surgeon, or cardiovascular surgeon) is typically proficient in performing a wide variety of procedures including Angioplasty, Coronary bypass surgery, Cardiomyoplasty, Transplantation, and Minimally invasive surgeries.
We can match you to the best care facilities for this procedure.
Sometimes referred to as “Colorectal surgery”, they are done to correct a damaged or diseased section of the lower intestinal tract. This may be a result of cancer, a malformation, another disease process, or some sort of injury or infection.
Colorectal surgeries can be done using a variety of surgical techniques. Your colorectal surgeon will work with you to decide which option is best given your overall health and specific medical condition.
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Neurological surgery encompasses the treatment of adult and pediatric patients with disorders of the nervous system: disorders of the brain, meninges, and skull, and their blood supply, including the extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries; disorders of the pituitary gland, disorders of the spinal cord, and vertebral column, including those which may require treatment by spinal fusion or instrumentation; and disorders of the cranial and spinal nerves throughout their distribution.
This specialty provides operative and nonoperative management (i.e., critical care, prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation) of the conditions mentioned above.
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Orthopedic surgery is the medical specialty dedicated to the surgical treatment of issues related to the bones and connective tissues, such as ligaments and tendons.
This involves a wide variety of procedures, from ACL and meniscus repair to hip replacement to spinal fusion and more.
Orthopedic surgery may be done to treat a condition-, age-, or accident-related concerns, and therefore may be carefully planned or entirely unexpected.
Common orthopedic surgeries include Foot and ankle surgery, Hand surgery, Hip and knee reconstruction, Pediatric orthopedics, Spine disorders, Sports medicine, and Trauma surgery.
Let us match you to an expert team at a top-notch facility for this procedure.
Pediatric surgery includes surgery in children from birth to 16 years in the following disciplines: neonatal surgery, general surgery of childhood, hepato-biliary, oncology and urology.
Although pediatric surgery also includes the diagnosis of the patient, it is more involved with the treatment, specifically surgical care.
A pediatric surgeon develops the best treatment plan for the patient, conducts preoperative examinations and preparations, and follows up on the patient’s progress as part of the post-surgical care. He or she works closely with the patient’s guardians and/or parents who will be responsible for the majority of the care.
He or she may provide instructions and counseling, as well as refer them to support groups or other professionals who can perform therapies to better cope with the child’s illness.
We will match you to a care facility so your child can get the best care possible.
Organ replacement or transplantation is a complex area of medicine.
A transplant is an organ, tissue or a group of cells removed from one person (the donor) and surgically transplanted into another person (the recipient or host) or moved from one site to another site in the same person.
Transplants – such as liver transplants – can save lives. They can also restore function to improve quality of life. For example, transplanting the clear tissue that covers the eye (cornea) is not necessary for life, but can restore sight.
When organs or tissues are transplanted from one person to another, the recipient’s immune system can reject and destroy the donor organ or tissue, and medication is needed to suppress this immune response.
The treatments used vary depending on the tissue or organ being transplanted, the level of compatibility between the donor and the recipient, and other factors.
Speak with an AwayDoc health concierge and let us match you to the best facility for this procedure.
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Cosmetic Procedures
Cosmetic plastic surgery is done to change your appearance. For some, it may mean redesigning the body’s contour and shape, smoothing wrinkles, or eliminating balding areas. Others may choose varicose vein treatment or breast augmentation.
There are many cosmetic surgery procedures that men and women can choose from to create an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance.
An AwayDoc representative can connect you to the best facility for the procedure you’re looking for.
Some of the procedures we can help you access abroad include but are not limited to:
- Breast augmentation or enlargement (augmentation mammoplasty)
- Breast implant removals
- Breast lift (mastopexy) with or without the placement of an implant
- Buttock lift
- Chin, cheek, or jaw reshaping (facial implants or soft tissue augmentation)
- Dermabrasion
- Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty)
- Facelift (rhytidectomy)
- Forehead lift
- Hair replacement or transplantation
- Lip augmentation
- Liposuction (lipoplasty)
- Lower body lift
- Nose reshaping (rhinoplasty)
- Thigh lift
- Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)
- Upper arm lift (Brachioplasty)
- Botox injections
- Cellulite treatment
- Chemical peel
- Plumping, or collagen or fat injections (facial rejuvenation)
- Laser skin resurfacing
- Laser treatment of leg veins
- Vaginal rejuvenation
Before making an appointment to see a cosmetic surgeon, consider your motives for wanting to change how you look.
Many physical characteristics can be successfully changed through cosmetic surgery; others cannot. Good candidates for cosmetic surgery:
- Have realistic expectations about what can be accomplished
- Understand the medical risks, physical effects during healing, how the surgery will affect them personally and professionally, what lifestyle changes may accompany the recovery period, and the expenses involved
- Have chronic medical conditions under control
- Have no history of smoking or commit to abstain from smoking and nicotine products, including chewing tobacco and nicotine patches, gums, or lozenges for four to six weeks before and after surgery
- Have had a stable weight for six to 12 months, for certain procedures
Ready to begin your journey to a fabulous new look?
The goal of cosmetic surgery is to improve a person’s appearance, self-esteem and self-confidence. Cosmetic surgery can be performed on any part of the face and body. However, there are non-invasive cosmetic procedures that do not require surgery. Some of them include:
- Microblading
- Neurotoxin Injections
- Dermal Fillers
- Non-Surgical Fat Removal
- Laser Hair Removal
- Veneers
- Lip injections
- Non-surgical nose job
- Botox
- Oxygen facials
- Laser lipo
- Body contouring
- Thermage
- Cheek fillers
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Breast enhancement, augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the size, shape, or fullness of the breast.
The surgeon places silicone, saline, or alternative composite breast implants under the chest muscles or breast tissue. Implants last from 7 to 12 years on average.
Breast augmentation is done to:
- Enlarge naturally small breasts
- Restore breast size and shape after pregnancy, weight loss or breastfeeding
- Restore symmetry when the breasts are asymmetrical
- Restore the breast or breasts after surgery
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Facial contouring, or facial sculpting, is an elective cosmetic surgical procedure that improves the general appearance of the face. Its goals are to improve the proportion of the face and all facial features, as well as make the face generally smaller.
It can make a person’s facial features look more balanced as well as improve facial outline.
Facial contouring can be taken advantage of by healthy adults who desire to improve the outline or contour of certain areas of their faces.
Among female patients, the common goal of the procedure is to make the contours of the face softer and more feminine. Meanwhile, male patients typically want to achieve a more chiseled look and a more masculine appearance.
Specifically, individuals with the following features can take advantage of the procedure:
- Square jaw
- Receding chin
- Protruding cheeks
- Protruding mouth
- Protruding chin
- Asymmetrical mouth
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Facial rejuvenation is the combination of cosmetic procedures used to restore your facial features to their previous youthful appearance.
Surgical procedures such as eyelid surgery, brow lift and facial implants can help correct specific problem areas on the face.
Nonsurgical treatments including fillers, neurotoxins (botulinum toxins) and fat injections can be used for volume enhancement and wrinkle and fold eradication.
Laser skin resurfacing or other light modalities can be used to improve skin texture and correct skin blemishes or age spots.
Consider Facial Rejuvenation
- If you want to reverse the signs of aging and restore a more youthful appearance
- If your face and neck are sagging, or if you are losing volume in your cheekbones and contour along your jawline
- If there are crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes, fine lines and folds around your mouth, and frown lines and furrows in your forehead
- If there is drooping skin and wrinkling changes in your upper eyelids, upper and lower eyelid bags, and dark circles under your eyes
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Body contouring or body sculpting is a collection of non-surgical cosmetic treatments used to reveal a firm and toned body hidden underneath layers of fat or loose skin.
Everyone has a sculpted physique waiting to be revealed, and sometimes diet and exercise are not enough to reach our aesthetic goals.
These treatments target those stubborn fat deposits found in the abdomen, thighs, or “love handles” that won’t budge no matter what you do.
Body sculpting treatments are the go-to choice for anyone who has stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. Because these treatments are not a weight loss solution, eligible clients are those at or very near their ideal body weight who already have a healthy routine in place.
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Skin rejuvenation is a treatment technique that helps to restore the skin from any damage that is caused owing to aging, sun exposure, or underlying health conditions.
Certain treatment options are milder than an overall facelift and can also be used to treat specific areas. Some of the procedures of skin rejuvenation include:
- Laser skin resurfacing
- Chemical peels
- Microdermabrasion and dermabrasion
- Microneedling
- IPL (intense pulsed light)
- Dermal fillers
- Botulinum toxin type A treatments (Botox)
When a person has a skin rejuvenation treatment, the outcomes will vary depending on the procedure and individual.
Let us match you to facilities abroad that can help you get the glowing skin you dream of.
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Routine Medical Procedures
Routine medical procedures may involve non-surgical medical procedures. They are used to diagnose, measure, monitor or treat problems such as diseases or injuries that don’t require surgery. They are generally not highly invasive and don’t involve cutting.
Non-surgical procedures are carried out by a health professional such as a physician, general practitioner (GP), diagnostician or nurse.
Knowing what to expect during and after a medical procedure can help you prepare, whether you go to a hospital or consult a specialist virtually. All medical procedures have benefits, risks and possible side effects.
We can match you to a specialist facility for treatments and recommended procedures.
A colonoscopy is a telescopic and visual examination of the colon and rectum. It helps doctors detect abnormalities in the bowel, including signs of colorectal cancer.
It remains the gold standard for the detection of polyps and colorectal cancer.
The procedure is a safe and effective means of evaluating the large bowel.
The technology for colonoscopy has evolved to provide a very clear image of the mucosa through a video camera attached to the end of the scope. The camera connects to a computer, which can store and print color images selected during the procedure.
A colonoscopy usually takes 30–60 minutes. However, patients should allocate 2–3 hours to the procedure to allow for preparation and recovery time.
Speak with us to match with facilities for a colonoscopy
A breast biopsy is a procedure to remove a sample of breast tissue for testing. The tissue sample is sent to a lab, where pathologists examine the tissue sample and provide a diagnosis.
The results of a breast biopsy can show whether the area in question is breast cancer or if it’s not cancerous. The pathology report from the breast biopsy can help your doctor determine whether you need additional surgery or other treatment.
You may be recommended to get a breast biopsy if:
- You or your doctor feels a lump or thickening in the breast, and your doctor suspects breast cancer
- Your mammogram shows a suspicious area in your breast
- An ultrasound scan or breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reveals a suspicious finding
- You have an unusual nipple or areola changes, including crusting, scaling, dimpling skin or a bloody discharge
You can get this procedure done without stress. Let us match you to a facility today
Prostatectomy is surgery to remove part or all of the prostate gland. The prostate gland is situated in the male pelvis, below the urinary bladder. It surrounds the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder to the penis.
The procedure is used to treat several conditions affecting the prostate. It’s most commonly used as a treatment for prostate cancer.
Prostatectomy can be performed in several ways, depending on the condition involved. Options include minimally invasive surgery performed with robotic assistance and traditional open surgery.
Your surgical team will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, as well as your preferences, to determine which approach is best for you.
A prostatectomy shouldn’t be that tough to schedule. Not while we’re handling your itinerary.
Coronary bypass surgery redirects blood around a section of a blocked or partially blocked artery in your heart.
The procedure involves taking a healthy blood vessel from your leg, arm or chest and connecting it below and above the blocked arteries in your heart. With a new pathway, blood flow to the heart muscle improves.
Coronary bypass surgery doesn’t cure the heart disease that caused the blockages, such as atherosclerosis of coronary artery disease. However, it can ease symptoms, such as chest pain and shortness of breath. For some people, this procedure can improve heart function and reduce the risk of dying of heart disease.
You and your doctor might consider it if:
- You have severe chest pain caused by the narrowing of several arteries that supply your heart muscle, leaving the muscle short of blood during even light exercise or at rest.
- You have more than one diseased coronary artery, and the heart’s main pumping chamber — the left ventricle — isn’t functioning well.
- Your left main coronary artery is severely narrowed or blocked. This artery supplies most of the blood to the left ventricle.
- You have an artery blockage that can’t be treated with a procedure that involves temporarily inserting and inflating a tiny balloon to widen the artery (angioplasty).
- You’ve had a previous angioplasty or placement of a small wire mesh tube (stent) to hold the artery open that hasn’t been successful. Or you’ve had a stent placement, but the artery has narrowed again.
We can connect you to the best facility with expert care for this procedure.
Skin grafting is a surgical procedure that involves removing skin from one area of the body and moving it to a different area of the body.
This surgery may be done if a part of your body has lost its protective covering of skin due to burns, injury, or illness.
Common reasons for a skin graft include:
- treating deep burns
- removing lesions from a skin disease
- closing large, open wounds
- treating pressure injuries or bedsores, or other ulcers on the skin that haven’t healed well
- skin cancer surgery
Leave your care in our hands. We will match you to the best facilities with experts for this procedure.
A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that completely or partially removes a person’s uterus. The uterus, also known as the womb, is where a fetus grows during pregnancy. The uterine lining also produces menstrual blood.
A person who has a hysterectomy will no longer have menstrual periods or become pregnant.
Types of hysterectomy include:
- Partial (supracervical) hysterectomy: During a partial hysterectomy, a surgeon only removes the upper portion of the uterus.
- Total hysterectomy: Surgeons use this procedure to remove both the uterus and cervix.
- Radical hysterectomy: During this procedure, a surgeon removes the womb, cervix, and upper part of the vagina. They may also remove the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and surrounding lymph nodes.
- Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: This type involves the removal of one or both of a person’s ovaries and fallopian tubes. A surgeon can perform a salpingo-oophorectomy during a hysterectomy.
A doctor may advise a person to undergo a hysterectomy if they have one or more of the following conditions:
- unusually heavy vaginal bleeding
- chronic pelvic pain
- uterine fibroids, which are benign growths that develop in the uterus
- uterine prolapse, which occurs when the uterus descends toward or into the vagina
- endometriosis, which causes the endometrium — the inner lining of the uterus — to grow outside of the uterus
- adenomyosis, a condition in which the endometrium grows into the uterine walls
- cancer of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, or endometrium
Your care is in good hands. We will match you to the best facility abroad for this procedure and post-op care.
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Pregnancy and Fertility Services
Pregnancy and fertility services focus mainly on fertility treatments. Fertility treatments typically refer to medications that stimulate egg or sperm production or procedures that involve the handling of eggs, sperm, or embryos.
However, treating infertility goes beyond fertility treatments. Infertility treatment can also include surgical interventions, lifestyle changes, weight loss, or treatment of an underlying medical condition.
AwayDoc pregnancy and fertility services involve exploring the best options around childbirth, fertility drugs, insemination or IUI treatment, surgical fertility treatments, assisted reproductive technology, surrogacy and third-gamete donation.
Begin your match with a facility for the best pregnancy and fertility services.
Childbirth is the process of delivering a baby and the placenta, membranes, and umbilical cord from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world.
Childbirth delivery options include natural unassisted childbirth, assisted childbirth, and delivery by Cesarean surgery (C-section).
The risks and benefits of each delivery method must be weighed along with the mother’s preferences to determine what is right for her.
From visa procurement to postnatal care at facilities abroad, we can manage your needs.
Infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman can get pregnant but keeps having miscarriages or stillbirths, that’s also called infertility.
Infertility is fairly common. After one year of having unprotected sex, about 15% of couples are unable to get pregnant. About a third of the time, infertility can be traced to the woman. In another third of cases, it is because of the man. The rest of the time, it is because of both partners or no cause can be found.
Some treatments are specifically for men or women. Some involve both partners. medication, assisted reproductive technology, and surgery are common treatments. Happily, many couples treated for infertility go on to have babies.
We can connect you to the best facilities abroad for this treatment.
Assisted conception means a pregnancy resulting from any intervening medical technology, other than the pregnancy of a woman resulting from the insemination of her ovum using her husband’s sperm, whether in vivo or in vitro, which completely or partially replaces sexual intercourse as the means of conception.
Such intervening medical technology includes, but is not limited to, conventional medical and surgical treatment as well as noncoital reproductive technology such as artificial insemination by donor, cryopreservation of gametes and embryos, in vitro fertilization, uterine embryo lavage, embryo transfer, gamete intrafallopian tube transfer, and low tubal ovum transfer.
Let us match you to the best-assisted conception experts and facilities abroad.
The procedure is used to treat several conditions affecting the prostate. It’s most commonly used as a treatment for prostate cancer.
Prostatectomy can be performed in several ways, depending on the condition involved. Options include minimally invasive surgery performed with robotic assistance and traditional open surgery.
Your surgical team will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, as well as your preferences, to determine which approach is best for you.
A prostatectomy shouldn’t be that tough to schedule. Not while we’re handling your itinerary.
There are many causes of infertility and some can be treated surgically to increase the chances of conception.
Both men and women may need surgical infertility treatment.
Some causes of infertility that require surgery are congenital, meaning the person is born with a structural abnormality and conditions that alter his or her reproductive system.
A physician certified in reproductive endocrinology & infertility (REI) can help couples learn about their options and consider whether or not surgery is a viable treatment option for the cause of their infertility.
Let us match you to consultants abroad for the best care and infertility surgical procedures.